Riding With Olivia is Lower Hutt’s Chapter Of Cycling Without Age


The foundation of Riding With Olivia and Cycling Without Age is generosity and kindness. Our rides are free for passengers and are ridden by volunteer pilots, so we rely on your support.

Cycling Without Age Lower Hutt does not want cost to be a barrier to experiencing the joy and inclusiveness of our trishaw rides. For our services to remain sustainable, we welcome financial support in the way of tax-deductible donations and sponsorship opportunities.

Cycling Without Age Lower Hutt is a registered charitable trust and your fundraising efforts will be used to purchase the trishaws and fund operating costs.

Cycling Without Age Lower Hutt Charitable Trust

Incorporated Charitable Trust No: 50132532
Registered Charity No: CC60779
IRD No: 137-681-137 (approved Donee for tax deductions)
Bank account: Cycling Without Age Lower Hutt  01-0530-0551141-00  (SWIFT code ANZBNZ22)

If you require a receipt, please include your name as a payment reference and let us know your email and postal addresses.